Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I adore airports. I am first to volunteer to take ANYONE to the airport. I love the coming and going-business, vacation, reuniting, and departures. LOVE airports. I have had a very blessed life in travel, I usually get a couple trips per year. This one happens to be from Whit- for her birthday. This girl is flying me out for HER birthday. I am just so lucky.

I am sitting in Seatac Airport at 9pm- people watching, listening to the subtle sounds of voices, ventilation systems, announcements. The lighting is pretty mellow, and there are the occassional soft sofa like benches that I have managed to hog. Lets hope that the seat next to me is empty, perfect for putting my feet up and sleeping. Its a long trip from one coast to the next. I managed to bring some tunes and my newest project to allow myself to crochet mindlessly. I of course had to ask my airline savvy aunt if a crochet hook would be allowed... FYI totally is...
Here's to the next four days of spud buds reuniting... I plan to spill out the story of Whit and Monica in the future.....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fair Warnings

The time has come where I will be sharing my thoughts online. I make no guarantees that anyone will find these interesting, but I do plan to post photos and links to things I have discovered, made, or seen.

First are introductions:

Meet Me: I am your average Northwest Grown 25 year old- I work an office job, I love mother nature, and sing very loudly in my car. I have lived in cabin on a farm, downtown apartment in the city, and adore both equally. I have friends to kill for and know it.

Meet Kevin: He is my loving husband. We were married in August of 2009. We met when I was 6 and he was 15 on a frozen pond on his family's farm. He was a "big" boy then, and well now that we are a bit older, it doesn't seem so weird. He is funny, logical, and most of all kind. He works hard and knows how to make life fun.

Meet Timber: Our first dog. She was found, abandoned on a logging road back in 2007 as a pup. She is part lab/shepherd and part cheetah. This dog is fast. Not just out-run human fast, but abnormally and amazingly fast. Next walk we take, I will try to get it on video to show the world.

Meet Tahoe: She is our second dog. She was also rescued-was running loose as a pup in the Moses Lake area. She is part Golden Retriever/Shepherd. She is not cheetah fast, but tries her hardest. She has a deep fascination with her tail and has the softest belly in the universe.

Meet Sam: She is my first pet as an adult. She has moved 7 times with me. She is sweet and stoic most of the time. She was a former farm cat given to me as a gift in college. She was pregnant when I got her, and you will see the result of that endeavor next.

Meet Hans: She is the product of Sam not being spayed as a barn cat. Hans was the cock-eyed runt of the litter that no one would take. She obviously grew into a beautiful, but sassy little cat. Whitney dislikes her tremendously. (You'll meet Whitney later)